- Written and illustrated by Eric Vincent
- PublishingBerkeley/First
- Size Soft cover 6.75 X 10.25
- Pages 48
- ISBN 0915419734
The delight of generation after generation of children and adults, Aesop’s Fables have earned a spot on every bookshelf. The Fables provide a set of pithy lessons and morals that are as applicable today as when the tales were first recounted orally in ancient times. Eric Vincent’s charming, witty illustrations add an enchanting new dimension to these ageless stories.
It's impressive that a guy from Gainesville who went to college in Louisiana became so whimsically adept with British colloquium and witticisms - they added an enjoyable flair to his well-crafted anthropomorphic characters! His settings were accurate and exciting; among others, he included: Victorian London, the American Wild West, the Ancient Far East, a Coney Island-like beach retreat, Mount Olympus, Ancient Egypt, European countryside, pre-Lawrence Arabia. BUT BEST OF ALL were his worker ants in Russia with their unquestionably communist garb upbraiding the Grasshopper to get a job! Reviewed on Goodreads by Strictlysequential
A Note From Eric
I'm always happy to sign and personalize your book! Just let me know who the recipient is at check out.
For an extra special gift, see details for having your book signed with a remarque- a drawing that will accompany my signature. I typically do one of Clovis for the Clovis Crawfish books, but if there is another character for the stories you’d like, please let me know.